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adhd in children

Effective Strategies to Increase Classroom Participation for Children with ADHD

Understanding Classroom Participation for Children with ADHD Navigating the complexities of ADHD in the classroom can be challenging for educators. ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, often brings a range of behaviors that can disrupt the learning environment, from difficulty paying attention to impulsivity and hyperactivity. Additionally, children with ADHD are more likely to experience other behavioral […]

Understanding Assessment for Learning and Assessment and Learning in Calgary

In the educational journey of a child, how they are assessed can significantly impact not just their academic performance but also their attitude towards learning. In Calgary, as in many parts of the world, educators and parents are shifting their focus towards more dynamic and supportive assessment methods. Two key concepts in this shift are […]

The Landscape of Gen Z Mental Health: A Guide for Parents

Mental health issues have become increasingly prevalent among Gen Z, a group that’s grown up in a world where digital connectivity and social media are ever-present. This generation faces unique pressures: from the instant access to global events and the constant comparison on social media platforms to the expectations set by a fast-paced, success-oriented society. […]